Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Feel Good.

I just accomplished one of the most wonderful things I may ever do in my lifetime.  I organized, threw away, gave away or put into the proper place probably everything that was in my room, and I feel so great now!  It did take two days, and at first looked like a hopeless mess but today everything got caught up, my closet (Hayden will be happy to hear) has at least 1/2 the amount of clothes as before and even my sock drawer looks neater.  Since going through this, I feel qualified to give people mass cleaning advice, although I'm really not.  So here we go.  My plan may not be for everyone, so go into it willing to keep plugging along.

1.  Get Some Entertainment - this is not going to be an afternoon's work, more like two days work so get something to keep you occupied.  I discourage t.v. or movies because the picture can be very distracting, but books on tape or music are wonderful.  I spent my Mass Cleaning listening to the Narnia books on tape, most of which I'd never heard.  I did not get through all of them, two and a half or three.  But, back to my point, having entertainment can boost your mood. 

Fun, fun, fun.

2.  BEGIN! - Okay never go into a Mass Cleaning with an attitude of "I'm not sure if I can do this..."  If you think that than don't even start because you'll make a bigger mess!  Think Thomas the Tank Engine "I think know I can!"
Yes you can!

3.  Don't Sleep In The Same Room - If you sleep in the same messy room (this will most likely be more than a one day job) you'll wake up with an oh no, now this mess again feeling.
A nice, neat room... sweet dreams.

4.  Don't Be Afraid To Trash It -  Get a trash bag and DO NOT BE AFRAID to throw junk away.  Trust me, you most likely won't miss it, for the things you simply can't part with, put in a box.  My letters are in a cute little box and the trinkets I'm attached to, in a treasure chest shaped box.
This is good, very good.

5. You Control The Rest - since I want to watch a movie with my mom and brother I'm not going to finish this, sorry but from here you're on your own (who am I talking about "you," I don't think anyone besides Hayden and I read this).

-Brooklyn Kennedy Bentley


  1. i am most certainly an AVID reader of the beloved Chicky Chicky!
    have no doubts of my allegiance to this blog.


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