Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Note to Self (#2)

Before leaving the house in sportswear, make sure you have at least some knowledge of the team you are sporting (no pun intended), or at least a few witty comebacks prepared for the numerous remarks you will receive.  I was running late to class this morning (when am I not?) and threw on a Yankees hoodie before running out the door.  Over only an hour or so, I received not one, not two but SIX comments, as follows (I was clueless):
1.  Are the Yankees gonna do it this year? (rando sitting on bench) 
2.  We've got a Yankees fan in here!  (dude at bagel shop) 
*looks around* *oh, they're talking about me*
3.  What'd you think of the game last night?  (dude #2 at bagel shop) 
"Oh shoot, I didn't catch it."
4.  Can you believe last night?  (dude #3 at bagel shop)
"I think I heard about it."
5.  Are we winning tonight?  (homeless guy) 
"I hope!"
6.  Go Yankees!!!! (group of construction workers in truck)


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