Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Snow Deeeee

  Yes, here in Cleveland there is a bit of a snowstorm.  School was called off and yes, I know I'll be upset in June when I'm sweating in an upstairs classroom looking out the window and seeing how beautiful it is outside, but here is a new motto.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  And that's just what I'm doing.  If anyone wonders what my plans/accomplishments for the day are just keep reading.

Shovel the driveway (accomplished and caluses forming)

Go out to breckfast (accomplished - pancakes, bacon extra crispy)

Post (in the process)

Clean room (yet to be done)

Paint nails (looking forward to that more than plan above...)

Make food ( :O )

Get cutified (new word I hope you like it, I' m not so sure how I feel)

Go to my school's play (I love plays)

Come home, maybe watch some T.V. 


-Brooklyn (the linking in this post was a little over - done, it's my first time.)

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